Thursday, 13 October 2011

I DYED MY TOP. Had never done anything like it before, but in sorting though my clothes I had realised that there were several things I loved to bits but wouldn't wear because of colour.

This shirt was one of them. I mean look at how it matches my bed sheets! white shirts of girls look great in the office but not in this cut and this era anywhere else!

So I looked up a few sites to get some ideas on what I could do with it. Sure getting rid of it would have been an option but I really liked the cut, which is why I got it in the first place. Also it was $10 at Gap on sale :P

What I found with what a lot of sited did was that they almost only dipped their garments into the coffee. this resulted in a piece slightly tan that I didn't want. One of the sites told me to keep used coffee grains for a few days and use that, Another said to brew coffee normal and use that.  so I combined the two!

here is the end result!

all I need now is a bright coloured bow tie :P

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